As a ministry team, our vision is to support families in raising children to know and trust in Jesus Christ today, tomorrow and forever.
We want to work together with families and the wider church family, to engage children with God’s Word; to know Jesus Christ and to respond to him as their Lord and Saviour. Through teaching God’s Word and living out our faith, we hope to captivate children with the person of Jesus Christ; for their hearts and minds to embody the truth of the Gospel.
We know that learning about God and His Word is not just for Sundays, so our vision is to equip families and children to delve into the Bible throughout the week, whatever their age and circumstance. We hope to create deep friendships with families; to build up and encourage them as they raise their children to love and follow Jesus.
We also know Childrens work is not just for Sunday school. We long to engage and integrate the inquiring minds of children and young people into the whole of the gathering on a Sunday, we do this in part before the children go out but this mainly starts with a core culture of considering and including them in the way we welcome and worship too. We don’t always get this right but our prayer is that children and young people who come on a Sunday feel part of the family as much as any adult.
All the volunteers who help teach the children are DBS checked and Safeguarding Trained according to our Safeguarding Policy.

Our Groups
Creche (0-2 years old)
Creche is a safe play space for under twos to play and be looked after. There is an array of age-appropriate toys and books on offer and comfy chairs for mums and their breastfeeding babies should they prefer somewhere quieter than the main gathering.
Streatham Tots (2-4 years old)
In Streatham Tots, we want to encourage little ones to sing, listen to and talk about the Bible. We teach the children through songs, Bible stories, memory verses, crafts and activities, and seek to engage their young hearts and minds with the person of Jesus.
Streatham Kids Junior (Reception- Yr 2)
In Streatham Kids Junior we want to take the opportunity to dig a little deeper into God’s Word each week. We teach the children through songs, memory verses and activities; seeking to engage their hearts and minds with the Bible and who Jesus is. There is plenty of time for games and recapping the Bible truths we learn through role play and questions.
Streatham Kids (Yr 3- Yr 6)
As Faithinkids states ‘children who are having their hearts and minds informed by Christ’s words, by God’s grace, will grow into teenagers who want to live for Him.’
In Streatham Kids we seek to teach the tricky parts as well as the deeply encouraging parts of the Bible inviting all the questions as we go along. We want the children to have a growing understanding and hunger for God’s Word and to see that they can know Jesus for themselves.
Streatham Youth (Yr 7+)
Our newly integrated youth ministry is up and running. Consisting of the young people aged 11-18, whereby on the first Sunday of the month, they will be in service, with the following weeks after having their own youth service. The youth services are for the young people to go through the bible in more conducive fashion, tackling questions they may have during the process. It's a good place to grow with kids together whilst learning about God's word. We want youth to know that Jesus isn’t just for Sunday School or adults, but that they too can know him personally.
There are youth Bibles and sermon note-taking sheets available at the church entrance. We encourage youth and their parents to make themselves known to someone at the start of the gathering, so that we can get to know them. We hope to walk alongside youth as they investigate and examine God’s Word for themselves; to provide care and discipleship as questions are asked and decisions made. We hope soon to have a monthly midweek gathering to invite our youth to.