“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)
Thank you for considering supporting the work of our church! All of our ministry, in Streatham and further afield, is entirely reliant on the giving of our church members. Therefore, as our church grows, we will need our whole church family to partner with us financially to enable the church to cover the costs of our growing ministries in our area and beyond.
We hope you will agree that giving financial support for our local church is an important and enjoyable way to express our gratitude to God. Many at our church can testify to the joy that comes from giving generously and seeing the fruit in people’s lives.
A wonderful Bible passage on the grace of giving is 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 and it is worth prayerfully studying these chapters when you are considering your giving. Some key principles are that we should give...
● SACRIFICIALLY (8:1-2) accepting the personal cost
● GENEROUSLY (8:3-7) as much as we are able for the salvation of others
● GRATEFULLY (8:8-9) for Christ became poor that we might be rich in Him
● REALISTICALLY (8:10-12) according to our capacity
● EQUALLY (8:13-15) giving of our plenty to help others
● CAREFULLY (8:16-24) so that we are good stewards of God’s money
● ACTUALLY (9:1-5) without hypocrisy and ensuring we act on our intentions and keep our commitments
● FREELY (9:6-7) without compulsion or reluctance but cheerfully
● CONFIDENTLY (9:8-11) knowing that God will always supply our genuine needs
● ENCOURAGINGLY (9:12-17) so that others praise God for what he does through us
In light of this we would like the whole church to:
PRAY! Ask God for a generous heart and wisdom on how best to support His church with the money He has entrusted to you.
THINK! Carefully review your own finances and consider how to put into practice the Biblical principles outlined above.
ACT! Decide on an amount to give and make your gift. We encourage everybody to get involved at whatever level they can, because generous and sacrificial giving is part of our worship of the Lord Jesus.
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)
1. Standing order (online or mobile banking)
The most helpful way to support our church is to set up a standing order with your bank. Once you have decided how much to donate to the church, you can set up the arrangement with your bank and they will automatically process your gifts each month in accordance with your instructions. It therefore saves you time, means that you don’t forget when life is busy and it helps the church with its financial planning. You can quickly set up a standing order using your online or mobile banking and by quoting the bank account information below.
Recipient: Streatham Central Church
Sort Code: 20-57-76
Account Number: 13428419
Reference: your name
2. One off direct bank payment
Using the bank details above.
3. Cheque or Charity Voucher (e.g. Stewardship or CAF voucher)
Please make these payable to ‘Streatham Central Church’’ and send them to:
45 Pendennis Road, Streatham, London, SW16 2SR
4. Payroll Giving Scheme
You can give through your workplace’s payroll giving scheme if they have one. Your employer may even top up or match the support their employees give through the scheme. To support our church through one of these schemes you will need the charity details shown at the bottom of this page.
If you are paying UK tax during this tax year, please Gift Aid your donation! This enables our church to increase the value of your gift by reclaiming 25p for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to yourself.
It takes 30 seconds to complete a Gift Aid Declaration here!
For further information, please email accounts@streathamchurch.com.
Our church is resourced through Streatham Central Church, a registered charity (no. 1181886) whose registered office is at 45 Pendennis Road, Streatham, London SE16 2SR.