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- Friday 29th March-


Join us as we retell the Traditional Jewish Passover Meal as Jesus’ followers.


It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. - John 13:1


Jesus sat down for the Passover meal the night before he died with his disciples. During that meal he reveals to them that the Passover which they have been celebrating year after year ultimately points to Him. We want to experience this special meal together, which helps us understand the richness of Jewish history, and how the whole of the Old Testament points to Jesus. Without what is represented in this meal, we would not be able to access the greatest gift ever offered. 


Join us 5:30pm on Good Friday Evening - 29th March - at Henry Cavendish School, Dingley Lane. Children are welcome.


The evening will include reflecting on the Passover celebration through a traditional Jewish Seder Plate and sharing a 2-course meal and will run until 8pm. Tickets cost £20 per head, or £7.50 for children, students or if you are unemployed. If this cost is too much, please speak with your home church pastor, we don’t want money to be a reason someone can’t come. 


Please sign up using the form below by Friday 22nd March

Sign-up Form

We request your email address for any queries or follow-ups to this event, your details will be held securely and used solely for the purpose of this event.


I will transfer £                                  * via bank transfer to 

Recipient: Streatham Central Church

Sort Code: 20-57-76
Account Number: 13428419

Reference: Passover24

If you are unable to make a bank transfer for any reason, please get in touch with




Look forward to seeing you there!

Penny D

Thanks for submitting!

Passover Meal

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